- the cigar stored at the base of a column outside the Fendi store, waiting for a gentleman who went to browse with his family, and fetched after said browsing
- the advanced age of children who either ride in strollers or are carried by their mamas; the number of both mamas and papas who lug babies by hand rather than put them in strollers
- street plaques (instead of street signs)

- finding Piazza Navona by accident
- the sense of not knowing exactly where one is but not worrying about it, because Piazza Navona or some other piazza will always appear
- the "gatto" mascot kitty who lounges on, under, or near the blue SUV outside the door

- the sewer-borne odor of asparagus or broccoli that indicates the shower was used on a given day
- 2-hour washing machine cycle + drying clothes on a handy rack
- Sette Oche, my favorite restaurant (visited 3xs in 4 weeks)
- il dolce sorriso ("the sweet smile"), my favorite gelateria that is right around the corner
- the above-sink drying rack that doubles as a storage cupboard
- fountains, fountains, fountains
- the poor irritating men at Piazza del Popolo and the Spanish Steps hawking roses either by shoving them into your palm, pretending to give them to you, and then demanding payment

- passeggiatas on Via del Corso
- couples of all ages who hold hands or are otherwise affectionate while on their passegiata
- sudden "rainshowers" at all hours from people watering their window boxes from 3-4 stories above the street
- fast, efficient trains and inter-city bus/metro systems
- faces on buildings
- Vespas

- walking into traffic confidently; i.e., finally figuring out how to cross the street (except when there's a traffic light, which begs obeying)
- the whispering wall at Piazza del Popolo
- assigned seating at the movie theater
- perpetual brilliant blue skies and the beautiful quality of light all day long (sorry, L)
- getting doused turning the fountain into a drinking fountain by plugging the main stream so that water shoots out of another little hole in the top of the pipe

- the basil that must grow in Paradise
- deciding what each day will hold after waking up
- pretending that I am a Roman!
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