Real forts are conceptually similar to the ones we all built as children in backyards and under coffee tables. They are burrowed-in places that are difficult to access and easy to defend from the inside. But I never had a control room or a maze for ammunition under my coffee table - I was happy with a blanket.
The Women's Army Corps was created in WWII (I think) so more men could go fight.
The slave trade ended officially in 1808 but continued in secret (or whatever it means when it continues but it's not suppposed to) after that.
Between 10 and 12 million Africans were forced to emigrate in the slave trade. About half of them passed through Charleston (of course I hope y'all will fact check me, if you are genuinely interested in knowing the actual for-real truth).
The Gullah people have retained aspects of their African culture unlike any other people. Words like "gumbo" have origins in the languages of West Africa.
Sullivan's Island has the coolest lighthouse I've ever seen.

On the shore when the wave goes out there are lots of little what look like blowholes in the sand that bubble bubble while the wave recedes. I tried with my toe but couldn't figure out what caused the effect.
Postcard stamps now cost 28 cents.
Ants like to eat shrimp.
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