family reunion celebration, big house with Grandma Ada spirit:
We Get Too Soon Old and Too Late Schmart (or is it Shmart?) plus dinging clock
appleton over a lake from oshkosh; yes that one: overall
perfect-weather BBQ with cousins tall and small
lots of dancing and loving family like in dream weddings
up wisconsin; this state has lakes too
east to da U.P., Upper Peninsula of Michigan for all you non-ganders
stop in Wakefield, commune with the spirit of our Great Matriarch
north to get Ontonoganized
Jampot stop: monks appear loaded from bountiful jam sales
Eagle River, Lake Superior = wow is the only word that suffices (and cold) marquette, i bought a guitar...
no chupacabras, just Pictured Rocks beauty to make you mute
what's a cell phone?
3 miles to the lake, 4 miles along, don't fall
3 miles back makes us tired
yes indeed we brought our dog
(take that, ranger lady)
south to st. ignace, look at all that beach
one margarita makes art buyer of me
evening by a fire - free for all who stay
i might be a folk singer but
play, play, wish i could play
and then
the bridge.
farewell, remote Michigan. until the next time, and i hope people continue to forget about you, because you are an awesome vacation spot. (despite places named mosquito inn and misery bay: they will keep real tourism away).

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