Friday, June 25, 2010

okay, so it's not purple...

For those of you who thought I was bluffing, I hope those words taste yummy. Despite appalled hairdressers whose eyes widened as they said "NO! WHY?", I went in for highlights. Bright punky highlights, when my stylist thought I was getting regular/normal blonde highlights. Having never had my hair colored I didn't realize how stinky it was. Other than that it was a wonderful experience all y'all and the cowardly hairdressers out there: IT GROWS BACK (or out)! Plus, at least I didn't end up looking like this:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Moment of Zen - Tag Teaming Michael Hastings
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

And like I said (c'mon people, read the title!), it didn't out to be purple. After two hairdressers tag-teamed me (apparently there is a new meaning to this word; see above video clip), I decided to go with dark-reddish, since we collectively decided that true purple would either A) wash me out, B) look dirty, or C) both A and B. I was just glad that I was able to convince my wonderful stylist, A the honest and kind Russian woman, that I was "not normal" for today. So I ended up with this, and happily:

Other than a dozen loads of laundry and an 8-hr flight, I'm ready and rarin' to hit the scene in Roma. My zen moment of the day is when A The Honest Russian and I were speculating on why more Europeans dye their head fun colors than Americans (this is not based on data, of course, just my 4 trips over the pond). ATHR replied: "They are not so afraid of everything over there." Too true, and my new goal for...let's just say the indefinite future.

1 comment:

  1. Looks AWESOME! So sad I didn't get to see them in person before you left. Will miss you dear Chiara...
